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Privacy Policy

DZING FINANCE values the personal information you provide to us. This Data Privacy Policy explains how we protect your personal data and how you can control how we use your personal information. If you want to change the way in which we use your data or if you have a question abouthow your personal information is used please contact us using the methods below:

Business address: 60 Cannon Street, London , EC4N 6NP, United Kingdom

The information we collect

We only collect information that you give us in the course of us providing you with a service that you have requested, or when you ask us to contactyou. Sometimes other companies may pass on your contact details, but we check that you have given permission to do this. Ordinarily we will onlyask for the following information:

  • Your Name
  • Your Company’s Name
  • Your Contact Details

Should we do business with you, we may require additional information about your company including financial information.

The legal basis for processing your personal data

In general, the reason we will be processing your data is because it is necessary for the performance of a contract between us or because you have consented to receive information from us.

There are times where we will want to tell you about new products or services we are offering and about data protection news. In this case we shall be using legitimate interest as the basis for processing.


Cookies are small text files that we use to improve your experience of our website. The cookie file is generated by our website and is accepted and processed by your computer’s browser software. You can disable the cookies using your browser’s options, although if you do this you may not be able to use some of the services shown on this site.

DZING FINANCE sets no third-party (tracking) cookies in your browser.
First-party cookies are those set by our server. Third-party cookies are set by a server outside our control. DZING FINANCE only sets first-party cookies, to store any custom preferences. First-party cookies are set by our web server and shared only to our domain.

First-Party cookies we set are:

  • WordPress preference cookies
  • Google Analytics cookies

How we use your data

We use the information you give us in the following ways:

  • enable you to take part in our online assessments and surveys
  • keep you informed and updated on relevant products you may be interested in
  • improve our website and the range of services and products we provide
  • provide you with useful information about data, news, events and conferences
  • administer your accoun
  • assist our clients with data processing services. We do not collect or store credit card details.

Who we share your data with

We will not share your data to any other company without your prior consent. We will never sell your data to another company.

However, we do use trusted companies for our business operations who process your data under our control, as the data controller and with the legal basis of legitimate interest.

We do not transfer any data outside the EEA.

Under some circumstances, we may be required to disclose or share your information without your consent, for example, if we are required to by the police, the courts, or for other legal reasons.

Keeping your information safe

We take data protection and data security very seriously. We have implemented a number of organisational and technical measures to ensure that only the people who need to see the data are allowed access and that the data is protected when stored and transmitted.

Data Retention

Our data retention policy details the length of time we keep the various types of personal data, and these time periods comply with all legal and regulatory requirements. So for example all personal data we hold in connection with your contract with ourselves will be retained for at least 6 years.

Data Retention

Our data retention policy details the length of time we keep the various types of personal data, and these time periods comply with all legal and regulatory requirements. So for example all personal data we hold in connection with your contract with ourselves will be retained for at least 6 years.

Data Subject Rights

There are rights that a data subject has and here is information about them. You can exercise these rights by contacting us using the methods below:

  • Postal address: 60 Cannon Street, London , EC4N 6NP, United Kingdom

Please note that we will always verify your identity before acceding to your request.

Right to Access (Subject Access Requests)

It is your right to know what personal data we hold about you. If you want to find out this information, then please write or email us to make your request. Once we have verified that it was you who has made the request we shall respond within a month.

Right to Rectification

It is your right to ensure that the data we hold about you is accurate and up to date. If your contact details change then please let us know so that we can amend our records.

Right to Erasure

If you don’t want us to hold personal data about you anymore, you can request for the data to be deleted. As long as there are no statutory reasons for us to retain the data for a certain period.

Right to Restriction of Processing

If you believe that the data, we hold about you is inaccurate, or that the processing is unlawful, and you do not want the personal data to be erased and / or we cannot erase the data for legal reasons, then you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data to storage only.

Right to Data Portability

You have the right to request that we should send the personal data that we have collected about you to another controller. We shall comply by sending this information electronically.

Right to Object

If you don’t want us to process your personal data, including for marketing purposes, then please let us know.

Right to Object to Automated Decision-making and Profiling

Currently we do not carry out any automated decision-making processing,or profiling.

What if you don’t want to hear from us?

If you decide that you don’t want to receive information from us anymore, either click in unsubscribe link in our emails, or send a request to stop email to We will then stop sending you emails immediately.


If you have a complaint, please contact our Data Protection Officer at who will deal with your request promptly.

If you are still not satisfied with the way your complaint was handled, you can refer your complaint to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office.

Links to other websites

We do have links to other websites and advertisements for products we think you might be interested in. This Data Privacy Policy does not cover these websites. You should read and understand their Data Privacy Policies.

Other Information about DZING FINANCE

DZING FINANCE is a company that offers the following services: Payment Service Provider

Our Registered Address is: 60 Cannon Street, London , EC4N 6NP, United Kingdom


Dzing is temporarily restricting the functionality of our customers’ accounts to receive incoming payments or make outgoing payments other than to other accounts held in the customer’s same name. This is whilst we re-evaluate our internal processes and product offerings and also to ensure that we satisfy our regulator that we meet current regulatory requirements. 

The permissions and restrictions that the firm are currently employing are detailed on the FCA register.

We will be looking to restore the complete functionality on our accounts as soon as possible and will keep all of our customers directly informed. 

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